North to Alaska with @Calsnape

Travel photographer, Callum Snape, and I have worked together on multiple projects over the last few years. This time I had the opportunity to create a behind the scenes video of Callum capturing three unique images from our travels.  

For this trip we headed north from Vancouver, flying first to Terrace and then driving another 4 hours west to reach Stewart, British Columbia. This town, with a population just shy of 500 people, borders Hyder, Alaska and has the unique distinction of being the only land crossing that allows entry to the United States without reporting for inspection. Our goal was to explore the North West Coast of the province – a few steps beyond the usual tourist destinations – and further into Alaska to the Salmon Glacier.

Stepping off the beaten path can offer great adventure and great disappointment. While it rained for most of the trip, we were actually thankful for the misty and moody backdrop the weather provided as we toured our way along the Portland Canal and through the valleys framed by the towering Alaskan mountains. 

Travelling with Callum always provide an opportunity to engage with and capture our surroundings in a new way. Take a look behind the scenes of one of Instagram’s most influential travel photographers as he captures his view of the north in less than optimal weather. 


Below are images that Callum captured of me against the impressive mountainous landscape of the north. 

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